Setelah sukses dengan karirnya di dunia musik dan entertainment, Lady GaGa berencana menjalani satu hal yang benar-benar berbeda dari kesehariannya. GaGa akan terjun ke sekolah dan mengajar, karena dia akan menjadi seorang dosen! Hal ini terasa cukup masuk akal karena bidang studi yang akan ditekuninya sebagai dosen akan sejalan dengan kesehariannya, yakni dosen di Parsons The New School for Design di New York. Kecemerlangan GaGa dalam mendesain pakaian yang 'breakingthrough' akan menjadi modal dan ilmu yang cukup besar untuk diajarkan kepada muridnya."Dia (GaGa) berencana mengubah arah karirnya secara radikal ketika nanti dia selesai dengan konser Monster Ballnya di musim semi. Dia ingin menggunakan selera fashionnya yang terkenal juga obsesi seni avant-garde pada karir akademis," ungkap sebuah sumber. Walau rencana ini belum rampung, namun GaGa dilaporkan sudah mengincar posisi 'artist-in-resident' pada akademi desain tersebut. "Dia akan mengajar program desain-fashion digabungkan dengan pembelajaran musik, budaya populer dan pengkajian media," lanjutnya. Sebelumnya, GaGa sendiri sudah pernah menjadi inspirasi bagi University of South Carolina untuk menggelar mata kuliah bernama Lady GaGa and the Sociology of Fame. Wow, kalau dosennya seperti GaGa, mahasiswanya seperti apa ya? Siapa mau ikut kelas Bu Dosen GaGa?
Lady Gaga Revenge 2 App Available Now!
The follow-up to Gaga's Lady Gaga Revenge app for iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad - Lady Gaga Revenge 2 - is available now in the App Store! Pick up the app now to tap your way through 10 Gaga hits including Bad Romance & Alejandro, with new themes, visual effects, and even a chat room! Click HERE to get the app now!
Vote for Gaga at the People's Choice Awards 2011
Lady Gaga has been nominated for 4 awards at the 2011 People's Choice Awards! Little monsters, make sure Gaga takes home the awards by clicking to vote for her in each category below! Voting is open until Tuesday, December 7.
New Tweet From @ladygaga
New Tweet From @ladygaga
"To find comfort, I was thinking about a new fantastic + different world, buying fashion magazines instead of my lunch" thanku littlemonster
New Tweet From @ladygaga
New Tweet From @ladygaga
I can't believe we won 3 EMA'S! Thank you so much, here's a clip of my acceptance! i love you!
Lady Gaga Wins Three MTV EMAs!
Lady Gaga won big at the 2010 MTV EMAs, taking home awards for Best Pop, Best Female, and Best Song! Check out her acceptance speeches live from The Monster Ball below!
New Tweet From @ladygaga
New Tweet From @ladygaga
HOLY HOOKER 7million little monsters! Thank u for all the amazing messages about BORN THIS WAY. They inspire me and keep me strong.
New Tweet From @ladygaga
New Tweet From @ladygaga
Never could I have imagined the connection we share. Hrvatska, 2nite there was no politic, no economy, no society. Just us. Monster ball.
New Tweet From @ladygaga
New Tweet From @ladygaga
It is though reciprocal loyalty and dedication that vision becomes Justice; Justice for the nerds, the disenfranchised, + the insecure. BTW
New Tweet From @ladygaga
New Tweet From @ladygaga
I made a quick slideshow of some of the Gagaween costumes I found! There's so many! I love you!
New Tweet From @ladygaga
New Tweet From @ladygaga
So far, my favorite Gagaween 2010 costume is Farley! I had to do a double take + i think she stole my shoes! more
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